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Lance o seu negócio Mannatech nas Redes Sociais

Se está tão entusiasmado como nós com o seu novo negócio Mannatech e quer começar imediatamente a partilhar, aqui estão algumas ideias para lançar o seu negócio online HOJE.

Inspiração da conversação

Posto de Oportunidade

Pense na audiência com que está a falar. Quais são as suas lutas? Que problemas pode ajudar a resolver com o seu negócio Mannatech? Envia a tua mensagem a esse público.

Exemplo 1
BURNED OUT" ... "QUIET QUITTTING" ... Ouvem-se termos como estes em todo o lado. E como tantos outros, eu precisava de uma mudança. Precisava de recarregar, refrescar e encontrar algo que me capacitasse a colocar a minha energia. Entrar: Mannatech. Chega de 9 a 5, de segunda a sexta-feira. Acabaram-se as deslocações pendulares, combatendo o tráfego na auto-estrada. Apenas um horário flexível, trabalhando a partir de casa - como muitos de nós queremos.

Estender a mão para aprender o que ando a tramar e como a minha carreira tomou um rumo para melhor. Estou pronto para conversar quando você estiver, mesmo que já tenha passado algum tempo! Todos nós merecemos viver felizes e inspirados.
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Exemplo 2
Olá, amigos. O esgotamento na minha carreira tem sido real. 😓 Mas eu sei que não estou sozinho. Todas as pessoas com quem falo precisam de uma recarga e de uma actualização.

No meu caso, eu não estava apenas cansado, mas estava cansado de esperar que algo mudasse. Assim, tomei a decisão de começar o meu próprio negócio! Faça-me um favor e estenda a mão para ouvir o que estou a tramar. Quero realmente partilhar a minha história convosco e ouvir como se estão a sair, também!
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Posto de produto

Crie interesse no que o seu negócio oferece, para que possa iniciar conversas dentro da sua rede de comunicação social. Considere os desafios que o seu público pode estar a ter, tais como satisfazer requisitos nutricionais, e ofereça um produto para ajudar.

Exemplo 1
Exclusive to Mannatech, Manapol is a premium, 100 percent aloe-based product designed to support cell-to-cell communication.*

Manapol is rich in acemannan (the key bioactive ingredient found in the inner leaf gel of the aloe plant), so you can do your best and feel your best - every day!*

🛒 Shop here: <insert your replicated webpage for Manapol>

First comment: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Exemplo 2
Being stressed and tired gets old. Time to try something new.

Introducing Mannatech Stress and Sleep Support gummies - the perfect super duo for a return to Zen and a better night’s sleep.*

These gummies don’t just work great; they taste amazing too!

Get your Mannatech Sleep and Stress Support gummies today.
👉 <insert your replicated webpage for Stress and Sleep Support gummies>

First comment: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Exemplo 3
At Mannatech, we’re firm believers in supporting your body, inside and out - and that begins with hydration!

Use FIRM with Ambrotose moisturizing cream to help you soothe and moisturize your whole body. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water to keep your skin glowing from within.

<insert your replicated webpage for FIRM with Ambrotose>
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Exemplo 4
Mannatech's Superfood Greens and Reds was formulated to help fill ever-present nutritional gaps and increase energy.* Did you know the CDC says as few as 6% of Americans eat the recommended 5+ servings of fruits and vegetables a day?  I highly recommend grabbing this product and doing something nourishing for your body! It tastes amazing, and you won’t regret it!

Learn more about it: <insert your replicated webpage for Superfood>

First comment: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Exemplo 5
Nutrition is a BIG part of taking care of yourself. But making sure you meet every requirement on a daily basis can seem impossible.

Catalyst Multivitamin can help make your nutritional self-care easier with 30 vitamins, minerals and nutrients from naturally-sourced ingredients! Plus, it’s easy to absorb, maximizing your nutritional benefits.*

🛒 Shop Catalyst: <insert your replicated webpage for Catalyst>

First comment: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Exemplo 6

How? Well, GI-Zyme capsules offer a unique blend of enzymes with different pH levels designed to process many types of foods, all throughout the different stages of digestion. This means GI-Zyme supports the potential for you and your family to get the most nutrition out of food!*

Learn More: <insert your replicated webpage for GI-Zyme>

First comment: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Posto "Porquê".

Partilhe as razões pelas quais escolheu iniciar um negócio Mannatech. Pode até mostrar uma imagem do seu "porquê".

Exemplo 1
Nunca se trata de onde se está ou onde se esteve. Trata-se de saber para onde se vai e permanecer focado no laser.

Estou sempre à procura de um nível superior. Não há nada demasiado longe ou demasiado alto fora do meu alcance. Eu posso, e vou fazê-lo. Este é o meu "porquê" para iniciar um negócio da Mannatech.

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Exemplo 2
A mudança pode ser assustadora. Mas a mudança também pode ser boa! E tenho um GRANDE sentimento sobre a última mudança que fiz: iniciar um negócio!

Estou pronto para sair mais da vida e viver segundo as minhas próprias condições... passar mais tempo com a família e amigos como você. Espero que me apoie nesta viagem, e mal posso esperar para o manter actualizado ao longo do caminho. DM me para mais detalhes. 😊
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Posto de Acompanhamento de Produto

Partilhar testemunhos e feedback é uma forma poderosa de se ligar ao seu público e criar confiança.

Exemplo 1
Before I make a purchase, I like to know what other people think of the product. You too??

I recently shared EMPACT+ from Mannatech, and someone I know tried it. Here’s what she said: “It's a great source of safe energy. The way it works to keep me energized and hydrated, along with the benefit of fast recovery time after exertion is unbeatable.”*

Let me know who wants to try it next, or you can always buy it here: <insert your replicated webpage for EMPACT+>

First comment: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Exemplo 2
Are you as healthy as you want to be?

I know I wasn't, but then I discovered Mannatech's Ambrotose LIFE and what a difference this has made to my overall health and well-being!* I’ve never felt better. Ambrotose LIFE is the BEST and HIGHEST quality nutritional supplement I’ve ever tried. Not only is it non-GMO, low glycemic and gluten-free, but it also:

 • Supports your body's cell-to-cell communication*
 • Supports your immune system*
 • Supports improved cognitive function*
 • Promotes gastrointestinal health*

My family and friends have been RAVING about it, and I see why now. You’ve got to try it!  Learn more and order here: <insert your replicated webpage for Ambrotose LIFE>

Feel free to reach out with any questions! I can’t wait to hear how much you love Ambrotose LIFE too.

First comment: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Inspiração Hashtag

#Mannatech #direcciona vendas #networkmarketing #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #suportamallbusiness #onlinebusiness #entrepreneur #joinmyteam #workfromhome #workfromanywhere #homebasedbusiness #beyourownboss #entrepreneurlife #networking


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