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GI-Biome System


Leaky Gut

The Gut-Brain Axis

The Microbiome 

The Microbiome 

The Gut-Brain Axis

Leaky Gut


Digestion 101

When working properly, your gastrointestinal digestive tract (GI) is a beautiful thing. It breaks down food, absorbs nutrients and protects your body from harmful substances while efficiently eliminating waste. But when your digestive tract is disrupted, it can throw off all the systems throughout your whole body, things you would never image are connected. When you consider that 70% of our immune system lives within our digestive tract, you can begin understanding how valuable it is to keep our GI tract healthy and working properly.

What Is Leaky Gut?

Inside our bellies, our extensive intestinal lining covers more than 4,000 square feet of surface area. When working properly, our intestinal wall acts as a barrier, controlling what enters our blood stream. Small gaps in the intestinal wall’s “tight junctions” allow water and beneficial nutrients to enter while blocking out harmful substances.

Imagine a fishing net that fishermen use on a daily basis.  If the net is not properly maintained excessive gaps/holes could occur that simply allow the fish to go through net and not get caught, which defeats the purpose of having a net.  This same principle applies to your gut lining if it is not properly supported and maintained; your  gut could also develop gaps/holes.  Moreover, a person would not want a “leaky net” nor would they want a “leaky gut”.

Some Causes of Leaky Gut

While few scientific studies are available to support Leaky Gut, many experts agree that intestinal permeability exist and can cause digestive issues.†† Many facets of modern life like diet, lack of exercise or too little sleep may affect your microbiome and digestive health.

How to Feed Your Microbiome

Think of it this way. When you feed yourself, you also feed 100 trillion microbes. Probiotics supplements and foods that promote fermentation and can help support intestinal barrier integrity and your microbiome. 


Microbes thrive in a diet high in fiber, whole grains and plant-based foods.


Probiotics can support the digestive tract’s barriers against bad bacteria and restore bacterial balance.

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes are produced naturally throughout the digest tract to break down food in order for the body to absorb nutrients.


3 Products to Support Optimal Digestive Health

The Microbiome 

The Gut-Brain Axis

Leaky Gut


† Campos MD, Marcela. Leaky Gut: What is it, and what does it mean for you? Harvard Health Leaky gut: What is it, and what does it mean for you? Harvard Medical School. September 22, 2017.

†† Bell, Becky, M.S. “Is Leaky Gut Syndrome A Real Condition? Un Unbiased Look,”, February 2, 2017.


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