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GI-Biome System


Leaky Gut

The Gut-Brain Axis

The Microbiome 

The Microbiome 

The Gut-Brain Axis

Leaky Gut


The Microbiome

Humans rely on our connection with the unseen world more than most of us realize. Did you know your survival depends on more than 100 trillion microbes that live in and on your body? Collectively, these microscopic organisms are your microbiome. In recent years, scientists are learning just how vital these tiny microbes are to our lives.

Unique as your fingerprint.

Everyone’s microbiome differs remarkably. Your microbiome is as unique as your fingerprint and starts developing in utero. These microbes are diversified by the introduction of more microbes in the birth canal and through breastfeeding. As you age, your microbiome is exposed to and altered by everything you encounter, such as your family, pets and surfaces around you.

What are Microbes?

Types of microbes include bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses. When we discuss microbes, we are referring to bacteria. While some bacteria are harmful, most bacteria are good and multiply often to crowd out the bad bacteria. Unseen by the naked eye, these microbes work continuously to form your innate and adaptive immune system, break down your food for digestion and even influence how much you weigh. 

Where do they live?

Microbes are predominantly found on your skin and entire digestive system, but 90-95 percent reside in your gut. Most gut microbes are concentrated in a pocket of your large intestine called the cecum and are plentiful. They equal the number of your human cells and weigh 3-5 pounds, about the same as the human brain.††

Microbes are an essential part of life

Support your body’s ability to fight off pathogens*
Boost your immune system*
Utilize nutrients from the food you eat to make metabolites*
Support your body’s ability to produce healthy metabolites including neurotransmitters*
Promote cell-to-cell communication*
And support your overall health and well-being*

A Thriving Community

Your microbiome’s ecosystem is as diverse as the Amazon rainforest. Your health depends on the life and vibrancy of this delicate ecosystem. The bacteria that make up your microbiome work together to produce metabolites and perform beneficial functions that help you thrive. When working properly, our microbiome adjusts to achieve balance after it is exposed to foreign bacteria.

Threats to Our Microbiome

Our environment is changing. The way fresh fruits and vegetables are grown and harvested is changing. One study shows that 2 peaches would have supplied the current RDA of vitamin A for adult women in 1951. Today, a woman would have to eat almost 53 peaches to meet her daily requirements! Nutrients are less concentrated in fruits and vegetables than they use to be, and this plays a part in the health of our microbiome.

Over the past several decades, scientific advancements have saved millions of lives. Antibiotics can eliminate infections; pesticides and weed glyphosates kill bugs and weeds that invade our crops; and anti-bacterial soaps and cleaners sterilize our spaces. However, these practices can take a toll on our nutrition and ultimately our microbes.


The Gut-Brain Axis

The Microbiome 

The Gut-Brain Axis

Leaky Gut


† The gut microbiota: Our Microbial Partners.

†† Introduction to the Human Microbiome. American Microbiome Institute. 2015.


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